2019年1月-2020年1月,美国农业部农业研究局罗伯特霍利农业与健康中心, 访问学者,从事植物营养学研究。
1) Yang J, Wu C, Yu Y, Mao H, Bao Y, Kang Y, Qi Z. (2018)A mongolian pine specific endoplasmic reticulum localized CALMODULIN-LIKE calcium binding protein enhances arabidopsis growth. J Plant Physiol, 226: 1-11
2) Wang Y, Kang Y, Ma C, Miao R, Wu C, Long Y, Ge T, Wu Z, Hou X, Zhang J, Qi Z (2017) CNGC2 is a Ca2+ Influx Channel that Prevents Accumulation of Apoplastic Ca2+ in the Leaf. Plant Physiology 173: 1342-1354
3) Wang J, Wang Y, Yang J, Ma CL, Zhang Y, Ge T, Qi Z, Kang Y (2015) Arabidopsis ROOT HAIR DEFECTIVE3 is involved in nitrogen starvation-induced anthocyanin accumulation. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 57: 708-721
4) Sun H, Ma C, Ren X, Zhang Y, Wang H, He Y, Hasi A, Kang Y (2014) Pst DC3000 induces pathogenesis-uncorrelated cytosolic Ca2+ rise in Arabidopsis leaves. Russian Journal of Plant Physiology 61: 347-354
5) Kang Y, Ji YL, Zhu KR, Wang H, Miao HM, Wang ZW (2011) A new Epichloë species with interspecific hybrid origins from Poa pratensis ssp. pratensis in Liyang, China. Mycologia 103: 1341-1350
6) Kang Y, Ji YL, Zhang CW, Wang ZW (2011) Neotyphodium sinicum, found in several Roegneria species throughout China, provides insights into the evolution of asexual endophytes. Symbiosis. 54: 37-45
7) Kang Y , Ji YL, Sun XH, Zhan LH, Li W, Yu Hanshou, Wang ZW (2009) Taxonomy of Neotyphodium endophytes of Chinese native Roegneria plants. Mycologia 101: 211-219
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2. 国家自然科学基金项目:新型禾本科模式植物二穗短柄草感应真菌相关分子模式几丁质的分子机理研究2013.01-2015.12
3. 9999js金沙老品牌高层次人才引进科研启动项目:内蒙古禾本科植物内生真菌资源调查及对二穗短柄草基因表达的影响2011.01-2014.12